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Colombia El Mandarino


Rich & Deep

Notes of Figs, Ground Cherry & Red Velvet Cake

Rich dessert-like flavors with notes of sugary-figs, tangy hints of summer ground cherries, and a finish reminiscent of red velvet cake.




Producer: Jose Karol Quilindo

1800-1900 meters
Colombia, Castillo
30 hours wet fermentation, dried on raised beds

November - February 2024
Belen, Inza, Cauca

What We Love

We’re just beginning to explore the full potential of coffee from communities such as Belen. This single farmer selection from Jose Karol Quilindo displays another unique profile that’s quite different from the typical Inza coffee we roast. In the cup, we taste dark fruit tones of rustic figs, alongside a tangy fruitiness of summertime ground cherries, and finishing with dessert like tones of red velvet cake. This coffee is definitely an all day drinker, with a full texture and smooth finish with a simple but integrated acidity. 

About the Coffee

Over the last several years Wonderstate has grown our sourcing presence within the municipality of Inza, located in the Cauca department of Colombia. This area has consistently proved itself as a spectacular location for expressive and complex coffees, suited well for both blends and single farmer releases. Each new harvest the Wonderstate team tastes through a multitude of options from Inza, selecting coffees that best represent this under-represented region of Colombia.

This past year our partners at Pergamino expanded their sourcing efforts in Inza, expanding to communities such as Belen and Pedregal. Throughout this process we’ve come across coffees that express flavor profiles that mimic the intensity of acidity and structure of the best East African coffees we source. This selection from El Mandarino stood out for its combination of dessert-like sweetness, integrated acidity, and dark-fruit tones. 

This coffee undergoes a classic washed process, with ripe cherries being depulped and fermented underwater for 38 hours before undergoing two washing processes to remove under-ripe seeds. The coffee is then dried upwards of two weeks on raised beds under shaded conditions.

About the Producer

In his own words, Jose Karol Quilindo says, “I feel a profound motivation to cultivate this land, driven by a desire to offer a prosperous future to my wife, children, and family as a whole.” The farm, El Mandarino, was passed down to Jose Karol by his parents, who were also coffee farmers. “​​Thanks to the cultivation of specialty coffee, I have experienced a remarkable improvement in my quality of life. I have managed to acquire my own home, ensure the education of my children, and obtain my own means of transportation. These achievements are the result of our work with specialty coffees, as they would not be possible otherwise. Dedication and ongoing effort in this endeavor are essential to continue building a solid future for our family.” We couldn’t be more happy to work with farmers like Jose Karol, whose passion and vision result in these unique and expressive coffees. 

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