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We think truly great coffee has to serve a collective future. Organic Canopy Blend is an embodiment of that ideal. Not only is Canopy a delicious dark roast coffee, it's also a coffee that is creating change: for every bag of Canopy sold a tree is planted at origin. 

Wonderstate Coffee is proud to be partnering with the non-profit Grow Ahead to support this work. Grow Ahead uses crowdfunding to support projects that they develop in tandem with smallholder farmers and indigenous communities in coffee-growing regions. More information about these projects is available on Grow Ahead's website: growahead.org

Climate change is threatening coffee growing communities the world over. Rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns are making the livelihoods of coffee farmers even more unstable than they previously were. Warmer temperatures are unfavorable to coffee plants, which thrive in the cool air of higher altitudes. Unseasonable rain or frosts can decimate crops, as was seen this year in much of Brazil. 

In supporting reforestation projects like the one led by Grow Ahead we work to minimize our carbon footprint. 

Help us secure a future for coffee. Visit growahead.org for more on this project or pick up a bag of Canopy for yourself!