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We’re really excited to start offering the Kalita Wave 185 Stainless Dripper this week.

Why offer another pourover option, you may ask?  Well, The Wave behaves differently when brewing and produces coffee that tastes different from the other brewers currently in our lineup.  Unlike true cone-shaped drippers (V60 and Chemex), which require manual agitation (stirring) to promote a uniform extraction of the coffee bed, the Kalita’s truncated cone design will evenly extract your coffee without much fuss.  The Kalita Wave has a reputation for being  “forgiving” and “efficient.”  We think it’s a worthy addition to any cafe or home brewer’s arsenal.

Look for a more detailed tutorial video in the near future.  Until then, here’s a brew guide to get you started:

Try starting with a 1:16-1:17 ratio (coffee:water).  Rinsing the filter isn’t necessary, though if you do rinse, try to maintain the wave shape of the filter by pouring into the center.

What you’ll need:

To Brew:
  • 30g coffee : 480g water. 
  • Put the brewer on a scale, tare, add 30g of coffee, tare. Start your timer and add 70g water.
  • Wait :30-1:00 for the coffee to bloom, depending on freshness.
  • Begin adding your water in gentle, controlled 30-50g pulses that start at the center of the coffee and spiral their way outward without disturbing the wall of the filter.
  • Raise your water level 1/2″-3/4″ above your coffee bed in the first few pours and then maintain it with subsequent pours.
  • Aim to have added all 480g of water by 2:30-2:45.
  • Drawdown should be completed by 3:00-3:30.
Cheers to delicious coffee!

Grab a Kalita Wave here.