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Coffee Subscription FAQ

1) What is a Coffee Subscription?
2) How do I create a Coffee Subscription?
3) What will happen after I create a Coffee Subscription?
4) How do I make changes to my Coffee Subscription deliveries?
  a) Change order date
  b) Skip a replenishment order
  c) Change shipment frequency
  d) Cancel subscription
5) How do I make changes to my Coffee Subscription account information?
  a) Change shipping address
  b) Change payment and billing information
6) What is the difference between the 'My Next Order' and 'My Subscription Items' tabs?




1) What is Coffee Subscription?

A Coffee Subscription is the most convenient way to enjoy fresh, handcrafted Wonderstate Coffee. We automatically send you a fresh batch of your favorite coffee based upon your chosen frequency. The program is easy to use and customizable, so you can make changes online whenever you need. Just tell us how often you want your coffee, and we'll take it from there.

You always have complete control over your Coffee Subscription orders. You can change your delivery frequency, next order date, or quantity anytime by visiting ‘Manage Subscriptions’ located within the My Account section of wonderstate.com. Changes to orders can be made any time within 24 hours of the next scheduled shipment date, and you can cancel at any time.




2) How do I create a Coffee Subscription?

Making a Coffee Subscription is easy; it can be done while browsing on a coffee blend product page, on the Subscriptions category page, or while reviewing items in the shopping cart. To subscribe, simply select the Coffee Subscription option for your desired Coffee, select your preferred grind and shipment frequency, then check out as normal.



3) What will happen after I create a Coffee Subscription?

After you join the Coffee Subscription service, you will receive an email confirming your subscription. This email will include a link to access 'My Wonderstate Coffee Coffee Subscriptions' where you can manage your future orders, Coffee Subscription items and Coffee Subscription account information.

We will place your Coffee Subscription orders automatically according to your selected frequency, and you will only be billed on the day the order is shipped. You will also receive email notifications regarding other important information related to your Coffee Subscription account, such as if your product is discontinued, if you cancel your subscription, or confirmation when an order is placed successfully.




4) How do I make changes to my Coffee Subscription deliveries?

Once you’ve subscribed, a Coffee Subscription is easy to manage. You can change your next order date, skip an order, change your selected frequency, or cancel a subscription by visiting 'My Subscriptions' located in ‘My Account’ section of wonderstate.com. Please allow up to 24 hours for modifications or cancellations to be processed.




Change an order date:
To change your next order date, please visit the ‘My Next Order’ tab under ‘My Subscriptions’ and click the "Change" link near the next order date then select a new date for your order. This will change the order date for the entire order.

If a Coffee Subscription order contains multiple items, and you would only like to change the order date of a single item, please visit the ‘My Subscriptions' tab and identify the individual item you would like to modify. Please click the next order date for the individual item and select your desired next order date from the pop-up calendar.




Skip a delivery:
To skip a Coffee Subscription order, please visit the ‘My Next Order’ tab under 'My Subscriptions’ and click the "Skip" link near the next order date to skip the entire order.




Change shipment frequency:
To modify the delivery frequency for a Coffee Subscription item, please visit the ‘My Subscriptions' tab. On this tab, the current delivery frequency is displayed next to each Coffee Subscription item in a drop down menu. To change the delivery frequency for an individual subscription item, simply click the arrow of the frequency drop down next to the Coffee Subscription item you would like to modify and select your next desired frequency from the pull down menu.




Cancel subscription:
To cancel a Coffee Subscription item, please visit the ‘My Subscriptions’ tab and simply click the “cancel” link under the item quantity. You’ll be prompted to confirm this action and indicate your reason for cancelling. Once you’ve chosen ‘Cancel Now,’ your subscription will be cancelled and no future orders will be placed. You will also receive an email notification confirming this.

Please allow up to 24 hours for any modifications or cancellations to be processed.




5) How do I make changes to my Coffee Subscription account information?

To review or modify your Coffee Subscription account information, visit ‘My Subscriptions’ located within the 'My Account' section on our site. You can change your shipping address or payment information for an individual order or at the subscription item level, which is the default option and will affect all future orders. You can also change the email reminder timing or the delivery frequency.

To make updates to your personal account information, please select either the ‘My Next Order’ tab or the ‘My Subscription Items’ tab. Respective account information is included under the ‘Account Information For This Order’ section on the ‘My Next Order’ tab and under the ‘More Changes’ link on the ‘My Subscription Items’ tab.




To change your shipping address, please click the "Change" link located directly to the right of the Shipping Address column. Select a previous shipping address from the dropdown menu or create a new one to add to your account. This address will apply to all subscriptions and future orders unless otherwise noted.




To change your payment or billing information, please click the "Change" located directly to the right of the Payment Info column. Select a previous payment record and/or billing address from the dropdown menu or create new ones to add to your account. This information will apply to all subscriptions and future orders unless otherwise noted.

Please remember to press OK and verify that your updated information saved successfully. We kindly ask that you allow up to 24 hours for modifications or cancellations to be processed.




6) What is the difference between the ‘My Next Order’ and ‘My Subscriptions' tabs?

The ‘My Next Order’ tab shows the details for your next scheduled order. An order may contain more than one individual item scheduled for Coffee Subscriptions if the items have the same order date, shipping address, billing address, and payment information.

The ‘My Subscription Items’ tab displays individual Coffee Subscriptions items and all associated details for that individual subscription including next order date, delivery frequency, quantity, shipping address, billing address, and payment information.