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Wisconsin has the highest Black male incarceration rate in the country and half of all African American men in their 30s in Milwaukee County have been in state prison.

This Father's Day, in honor of all fathers and the work being done to restore our communities, we will be donating 10% of this weekend's sales to ROC Wisconsin, a grassroots initiative dedicated to ending mass incarceration in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin ROC is a project of WISDOM, a Wisconsin-based grassroots, non-profit network of faith communities that works to "promote the common good by building diverse communities and encouraging broad participation in the democratic process."

An initiative of WISDOM, ROC Wisconsin is dedicated to pursuing criminal justice and prison reform, supporting communities and families that have been harmed by mass incarceration to bring "wholeness and health," and uplifting the formerly incarcerated to ensure successful reintegration.

We encourage you to learn more about ROC Wisconsin and contribute to them directly on their website.


Graphs courtesy of the Prison Policy Initiative